Safety and Sustainability in the Chemical Industry

The sustainability challenge is to develop innovations and policies that allow humanity to meet current and future environmental, human health, economic, and societal needs. The chemistry enterprise has many roles in sustainability. It provides chemicals, materials, and technologies that improve the safe and efficient use of energy and natural resources and is responsible for delivering them in a way that protects human and environmental health. Chemistry—in labs, classrooms, and industry—is a central science for the development of sustainable technologies and innovations.

Credit: American Chemical Society

How are Michigan's chemical companies committed to safety and sustainability, both for their local communities, and the world at large?

The Michigan Chemistry Council’s members are committed to improved environmental performance as we create advanced products that make people’s lives better, healthier, safer and more energy-efficient. We provide solutions that point the way toward responsible stewardship through sustainable energy, cleaner air, and safe, clean water.

Our advancements in sustainability and eco-efficiency—the ability to produce more with less environmental impact—stem from our ongoing investment in cutting-edge technologies, equipment and processes. Meanwhile, innovative chemistry products help Americans save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

 Responsible Care and Responsible Distribution

Responsible Care

The American Chemistry Council's Responsible Care initiative was begun in 1988 to help industry members enhance their performance, improve employee safety, and benefit the health of their communities and the environment as a whole.

Responsible Care involves a CEO-level commitment to uphold the program elements and guiding principles. Companies are committed to open and transparent reporting and submit annual data on their progress toward meeting performance measure goals.

To learn more, visit


Responsible DistributionLeaders in the chemical industry share a responsibility to ensure the well-being, safety, and security of their employees and communities; maintain high-quality standards; and drive sustainable innovation—all while navigating complex regulations. Verified Members and Affiliates of the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) demonstrate their commitment to best-in-class standards in every phase of chemical storage, handling, transportation, and disposal through the ACD Responsible Distribution™ program.

Under this program, ACD ensures:

  • Fewer safety and environmental incidents
  • Safer, more socially responsible, and environmentally friendly business practices
  • Greater consistency and quality of products
  • Transparent communication with local communities and stakeholders
  • Ongoing improvements in sustainability and innovation with strict adherence to regulations

To learn more, visit

Michigan Chemistry Council Member Sustainability

To learn more about our member companies' commitments to sustainability, please take a moment to review their sustainability programs and accomplishments.