2025 Policy Priorities

The Michigan Chemistry Council (MCC) is the voice for Michigan’s business of chemistry. Chemistry is one of our state’s largest manufacturing sectors, supporting more than 80,000 Michigan jobs and directly impacting more than 96% of all manufactured goods. The MCC’s mission is to influence policies that promote and grow a safe, sustainable, and competitive business of chemistry in Michigan.

Ensure the Effective Regulation of Chemistry Products

  • Chemistry Regulation – The MCC advocates for regulatory policies based on sound science and risk-based principles and that allow for consistent implementation.

  • Product Standards and Market Access – The MCC advocates for modern product standards that encourage the use of advanced materials in construction, infrastructure, and other applications.

Promote Michigan’s Competitiveness

  • Safety and Security – The MCC advocates for policies and resources that promote the critical safety and security interests of the business of chemistry.
  • Environmental Stewardship – The MCC advocates for responsible environmental policies and programs that provide consistency and certainty for our members. This includes:
    • Climate policies that foster competitiveness and allow the business of chemistry to provide solutions for shared climate goals.
    • A strong sustainable materials management approach that promotes a circular economy.
    • An effective science-based response and coherent risk communication for emerging contaminants.
    • Sensible remediation rules and criteria that encourage cleanups of legacy sites.
    • Effective state permitting programs that ensure environmental protection and support economic development.
  • Energy Competitiveness – The MCC advocates for policies to help achieve competitive energy supplies for Michigan customers. This includes:
    • Collaboration between industry and government to leverage new funding opportunities
    • Removing barriers to the further development of a variety of clean energy resources
    • Promoting competitive energy markets and opportunities
    • Enabling industrial energy management options
    • Ensuring that customer rates reflect their cost of service
    • Increasing Michigan’s electrical import capacity and investing in needed energy infrastructure
  • Workforce Development – The MCC advocates for resources and policies, including increased career exploration and skilled trades opportunities, to help develop the next generation of talent.
  • Economic Development – The MCC advocates for resources and policies supporting the critical role of chemistry in enabling key economic sectors and the long-term success of our state.

The MCC provides strong leadership on industry-critical issues, and works closely
with legislators, regulators, and other stakeholders to achieve constructive outcomes.